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The Gold Coast City Jazz Club features many great talents. It’s easy to forget that these wonderful artists each have a story beyond the few hours they spend entertaining us. This month, John Conley is in the spotlight.   From humble beginnings stumbling across his High School’s Double Bass to performing in one of Australia’s […]

The Gold Coast City Jazz Club features many great talents. It’s easy to forget that these wonderful artists each have a story beyond the few hours they spend entertaining us. This month, Rick Best is in the spotlight.   From guitar at nine to trumpet at 11, piano at 15 and then bass, flute and […]

The Gold Coast City Jazz Club features many great talents. It’s easy to forget that these wonderful artists each have a story beyond the few hours they spend entertaining us. This month, Marcus Nassner is in the spotlight.  Known for his expressive feel and lyrical improvisations on saxophone and flutes, there’s more than meets the […]

The Gold Coast City Jazz Club features many great talents. It’s easy to forget that these wonderful artists each have a story beyond the few hours they spend entertaining us. This month, Nicola Ossher is in the spotlight.   Nicola Ossher was banging away on things long before she officially began playing the drums at just […]

The Gold Coast City Jazz Club features many great talents. It’s easy to forget that these wonderful artists each have a story beyond the few hours they spend entertaining us. This month, Rodney Ford is in the spotlight.  Influenced by ballroom dancing parents and brothers that were professional musicians, Rod Ford always had music playing […]